Wednesday 26 June 2013

LIFE | Gardening and the return of the Mothership

My sister and mum are back now from their vacation. Quite refreshing having them back after a month. I am sure that feeling will fade soon enough! :)

They brought me some lovely shiny things back. I wasn't sure what else to ask for and considering you can get accessories for quite cheap over there, that was what I asked for.

Shiny things

The musical note is my favourite! I used to have a very simple silver one, which I had bought at a German Christmas market in Edingburgh a few years back and can't find now. Would you believe, each of these were less than a fiver! Much less in some cases!

And while mother was away, me and my dad decided to tackle that jungle growing in our backyard.  

Holy Moly! This had to go!

Yeah, long-ass grass, right! With the weather being so lovely at the time (it does happen), it was just unpleasant to look at and hanging up the washing was more like an adventure, when all you can think about is "I wonder what's hiding in there". As much as I'd like to be, I am not the biggest fan of creepy crawlies. Any crawlies, really! And since our lawnmower refused to tackle this, I borrowed some garden shears and started chopping bit by bit. I must say, this was such a great workout! We spent about 4 or 5 hours in the heat chopping away. While I cut bits off with the shears, dad went over the patch with the mower. We got about a third of the garden done and worked another few days on it. I was aching so badly! I even felt muscles on the top of my hands for days! Say whaaat? So worth it. Fancy a good workout? GARDENING will do the trick!

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!

x ♥ x

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