Saturday, 21 June 2014

LIFE | I'm back!

Hi there,

I haven't written anything in a loooooong time! I do have a bit of a backlog of cakes and other recipes to post. Especially the new healthier recipes I have been trying out.

I still bake a lot of cakes, but since I have joined the gym at the end of last year, I started getting more and more into healthy eating and fitness. Tried out a few protein balls/bars recipes and have been adding protein to pretty much everything I make! Well, mainly porridge and pancakes. (2-ingredient pancakes, egg and banana and then whatever you want to add to change the taste!)

And as for the 365 challenge.... I am failing! Big time!!! I just can not watch a film a day, not even catch up on my weekends! I will try to get as close to 365 as possible by 31st December 2014 though! 

So this is really just a quick post to say: more is coming!

In the meantime, I have been posting regularly on my instagram, so go check it out f you like!

Thank you for stopping by.

x ♥ x