Thursday, 26 September 2013

LIFE | New Beginnings!?

It has been a while since the last post, but to be honest, there wasn't much going on. I hadn't even been baking much, say whaaat?!

Anyways, I am one of the employed again and, funny enough, it's at the place I had left at the end of Feb. I was unsure how I feel about this. I had left for many reasons, but after my search for the "real job" was fruitless, I must admit I was a little excited to go back. I know some people already and, apparently, I had not forgotten much of the work either, so it worked out well for both, the store and myself. 

Even though initially I felt like I had failed life by having to crawl back to where I had fled from, being catapulted back into the Ice Age after, what I had thought to be, taking a step towards a new career, I am putting a lot of effort into trying to be positive about it all. I mean, the important thing at the moment is: I have an income. I really did not want to claim, but it was getting to a point, where I had to consider it, at least. 

By now I have been back there nearly 2 weeks, working 5 hours in the evening, monday to friday. It's been alright! Luckily I have the morning to do things I like (watching Breaking Bad or Bates Motel) and keeping an eye out on the job market.

I also think I can spend this time learning new skills! Groupon had a code for an online Children's Book Writing Course. I am not particularly planning on writing kids books, but it's creative writing after all! So I am hoping to learn something from it which I can apply on other aspects of writing.

I also finally managed to pay my local library a visit! Sometime around late 2009 and early 2010, I had signed up to our library, took 2 books out, never read them. I then probably took another 2 or 3 books out, which I hardly read. That was 2 years ago. I started getting more into reading recently and wanted to see if they had any of James Franco's books. They did, but I had forgotten my pin and could not sign in and/or reserve it. Went to the library, got my pin changed and got these two beauties out. Even used self service! Awww yeah!

I never really was big on literature, don't have the patience or attention span usually, but I wanted to read some poems. They can be short sometimes, right?! These should help me use my mornings productively! 

That's the update. Back at the old job. It may not be the one that I will live for, but it will let me live! I can spend my weekends with the people I like to hang out with. At the moment, that's what matters to me most!

Thank you for reading, and I hope you find something that will help you stay positive!

x ♥ x