Tuesday, 3 January 2012

So this is 2012...now what?!

Hey Folks!

First of all I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope 2012 is going to be a great year for everyone. (Although as I type this I can't help but think "why wouldn't there be any accidents or issues just cause our calenders start with January once again? It's just another day in life, really.")

So, it's been a while since I have last posted. The nightshifts are well and truly over. Which is a shame, really! I do miss going to town on the 8.05pm bus, having a little window- or food-shop before walking into work, where sometimes stressed minions would be shuffling around the stockroom, or mister manager would be letting of a little steam amongst boxes of stock we needed to put out. Quick walk into the staff room to fill up the mug with coffee and roll a ciggie and then it's out again with co-smokers for a fag-break. Back in people would be finishing their shift and we go up, chose some good music (no longer restricted by the language of the artist. Swear away, my lovelies!!!) and begin replenishing. It's amazing how long you can spend just putting out stock and finding stuff in the wrong place (thanks, christmas shoppers.). We'd have a break at 1am, where we'd see either funny or weird (drunk) people walk past us (one guy called everything a "prick", when I say everything, I mean including inanimate objects!), few people stumbling, a nicely/business-y looking man falling over... the usual friday night sights. Our break (can't really call it "lunch") was an hour, as usual. But how we never thought of putting a DVD on until 2 nights before the end of night-shifts is a mystery to me. Yes, second to last shift Will decided, as it was drawing closer to Xmas, it was time to watch a little "Home Alone". Watch the first part of the film on our break that night, and the last part on our last night-break. Christmas Eve morning we finished our nights. 

And then it was Christmas. I got a new camera, which i knew I'd be getting. (Mum: "Have you already wrapped up your sister's camera?", me: "Mum, we got her a phone?!", and of course her talking to my dad outside my room telling him, I'd be getting a camera didn't give it away...), Amazon and HMV vouchers (Ima be shoppin'!!!), these two books

and dad gave me a perfume. Since I had just come off night-shifts, I couldn't help but keep nodding off. So I took my prezzies and went to bed. Boxing day was the first day back (didn't have much time to rest, did I?!). Lots of new people that I didn't know and that didn't know me. A till-key (you give me responsibility??) and way too many people shopping. Doesn't anyone want to rest these days? A lot of the temps were rather....let's just say we had better days with our temps. But all those days passed by and before I knew it, it was New Year's Eve.

The plan was to go to Luton to my friend Dean's house, who had come home from Dubai for XMas, and celebrate with him, his family and a few friends. Since I wasn't quite sure where in Luton I would have to go, I tried getting some instructions. I already knew it was £38 for the trains (which did not include tubes, as far as I could see) and a 2-hour-travel. Finally I got a reply and it turned out, it would have been another £18 to get to where I was going and back. That was a lot of money. The fact that I was expected at work at 11am didn't really encourage me to go out either, so I decided, I would have to see Dean another day and have a quiet New Years at home, for a change. And it was quiet. Just another night, really. No fuss, no resolutions (if I had the willpower to change an aspect of my life, I'd do it whenever!), no drink. Perhaps I should mention that I did go to a work-night-out followed by a houseparty the night before. So was feeling a little queezy. 

Now it's the third day into the new year and apart from the last digits in the date, not much is different. Got a day off, which I whould probably spend tidying this room or do other productive things. I do hope that this year brings lots of positive things to people. There has been a lot of negative events last years and it's time for a more uplifted mood. I wish people were nicer. Just generally. It doesn't hurt to say thank you or please. A smile is always appreciated and if some members of the general public could just chill the eff out every now and then, it would make an instant change, even if it's tiny, to everyone's lives.

So. Let me go attempt doing something productive! And I shall try and use this blog more this year. There you go, having one resolution after all! :D 

Laters and stay young,

x ♥ x